Spiral Stitching Latex Enters THE BOX OF SHAME

Reposted From www.JanuarySeraph.com/blog I’m a fairly
tolerant person. Except when it comes to taking money that I’ve
worked really hard to earn, and not delivering what was promised to
This week’s newest member to
THE BOX OF SHAME is Spiral Stitching Latex
href="http://www.modelmayhem.com/440525"> href="http://www.etsy.com/shop/SSLatex"> href="http://www.myspace.com/spiralstitching"> I was so enamored
with her latex designs that I saw on Etsy, I managed to completely
forget that she hadn’t sent me the skirt I ordered and paid for the
first time, and I, during one of my late night Etsy sprees,
unwittingly ordered it again, paid for it again, and was (again)
never shipped the product I paid for.

The First

rel="attachment wp-att-120"> src="http://www.mistressjanuary.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2010/12/SpiralStitchingReceiptForItemNotReceived1-300x208.jpg"
alt="Spiral Stitching Receipt for Item Not Received 1"
title="SpiralStitchingReceiptForItemNotReceived1" width="300"
height="208" class="size-medium wp-image-120"

Spiral Stitching Receipt
for Item Not Received 1

The Second

rel="attachment wp-att-121"> src="http://www.mistressjanuary.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2010/12/SpiralStitchingReceiptForItemNotReceived2-300x209.jpg"
alt="Spiral Stitching Receipt for Item Not Received 2"
title="SpiralStitchingReceiptForItemNotReceived2" width="300"
height="209" class="size-medium wp-image-121"

Spiral Stitching Receipt
for Item Not Received 2

Now, it’s almost
2011, and to date I have not received ANY response from my attempts
to reach whoever pretends to run Spiral Stitching Latex in an
email, a call, or a smoke sign on a mountain. UNTIL TODAY..
apparently it was my irate “Tag” I left on SS’s Model Mayhem Page
in a very public way calling them (him? her?) out that deserved a
response.. The tag has been deleted, and here is what SS had to say
to me:

rel="attachment wp-att-71"> src="http://www.januaryseraph.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2010/11/SSMMResponse.jpg"
alt="" title="SSMMResponse" width="883" height="630"
class="alignleft size-full wp-image-71" />

Now, NOTICE that it says the user has blocked
me. That means that when I went to respond to this FIRST PIECE OF
COMMUNICATION I’ve received from SS, I was unable. So I went back
to Etsy, and sent SS a message there that goes like this: “Hi-
Well, it was nice to finally hear back from you on Model Mayhem,
however I have never received a single email from you to any of my
“real” email accounts, and when I tried to reply to your
modelmayhem, I was unable since you blocked me. January *** *** **** January [!at]
MistressJanuary.com www.MistressJanuary.com www.JanuarySeraph.com ”
So, that’s all I have for this week’s addition to THE BOX OF SHAME.
I’ll keep you posted. Next week’s addition to THE BOX OF SHAME is
David King, of CoyoteWhips.com… With Kink, (and Vengeance)
January Seraph

About january

World Renowned Dominatrix
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