Selfies- Why Not? :-)
Discipline and Structure..and a More Buxom Rack…
..Are some elements that My own life slowly started losing the last couple of years, and that I am hellbent on reinstilling in My life. You’ll thank Me for this once the process is complete.
Pre Modification
I just underwent some minor personal upgrades, and plan on spending the next few weeks tying up some legal and financial loose ends from the last two years while I physically get back into tip top shape.
So, I won’t be available for much more than body worship, humiliation, and light endeavors until about the third week of March. It’s all my brain and my body can handle at the moment
And, I won’t be available to work you over every which way only I know how to do until the second week of March. Which coincidentally, is the same time I’m planning on returning to NY!
**Update**I’ll be in NY March 21st-26th. I pushed these dates back so that I can go to Hawaii first
While I’m partially laid up and busy putting my office life back together, for real there are a few things that would make me happy, if you’re in town and feel so inclined..
*Some mini (or full blown) shopping sprees, as I’m about to give away half of my well curated closet full of designer and simply beautiful clothing. (It’s worth it I tell myself when I start to get misty eyed with nostalgia as I cannibalize my closet.)
*A Service oriented Domestic slave in SF. STAT lol Don’t worry, I’m very fair about work vs fun
*Small jaunts around town or minications to nearby spas or Vegas area always welcome, however only with the understanding that my energy might be a little mellow, or it might now, but that physically I’ll be a little delicate. But what else is new, right? I mean, they even dubbed Me The Delicate Domme in Penthouse
*An electrician to work in trade for future sessions once the job is entirely complete, or just for the sheer fun of it. I might even supervise in transparent latex. Because electrical work is really the only thing between your being able to come visit the Dommecile, or not
If you are not in the SF area or planning on making yourself available to Me here anytime before mid March, I do have some wishes that distance would not be a hurdle to overcome in order to fulfill them for Me
* Are you a graphic designer? No, I’m not going to be one of those silly girls who asks “Will you build me a website?” No thank you, I can do that Myself. However, I am aware that my actual design skills leave something to be desired at times, I’m more of a builder, large concept kind of person more than a small minute attention to detail kind of person. So I need some killer banners, a header or two, and some other small design elements done for the relaunch of and the launch of my new femdom membership site as well Hit me up if you’d like to tribute Me with these jewels, or if you’d prefer to barter for your time and expertise. While I appreciate gifts, I also value people’s time especially if it’s how they make their living.
* A new honest to goodness, good old fashioned money slave, paypig, cash cow, or submissive who is into some fun financial abuse . I don’t need you, I just figure it might be an amusing way to spend a few weeks confined at or near home. I love the financial and emotional backbends via servitude that this form of Tribute is delivered to Me in
But don’t worry, if you’re not volunteering this very specific type of servitude, I’m not asking you. Move along.
I have not been impressed with the replies I’ve gotten to my casual queries about interested film sluts for upcoming video productions, so stay tuned for an upcoming more specific, highly formatted questionnaire. Clearly some of you lose your fucking minds when you think of being naked on video, groveling and begging while enduring my various styles of torment and abuse.
Be prepared for a fair amount of blogging. It’s what I do when I have downtime, and the emotional clarity to finally sort through the rubble of the last major marathon of debauchery
2014 is off to a banging start- hope yours is going as well, and if it’s not, make time to come in for a kinky attitude adjustment and W/we’ll see if that can be fixed.