Category Archives: Life Experience


“I’m thinking of going to Europe for awhile. A sort of extended “Dominatrix Walkabout in Europe”…. More on

Posted in Dominatrix, fetish, Life Experience, Los Angeles Dominatrix, San Francisco Dominatrix | Tagged , , | Leave a comment

Thank you for helping Hollie

I want to thank each and every one of you who contributed to my friend Hollie Stevens medical fund that was set up to assist her with basic living expenses while she battles advanced cancer. Through your donations you have … Continue reading

Posted in Life Experience, Los Angeles Dominatrix, promotion, San Francisco Dominatrix | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

The Best Possible Tribute

I’m asked frequently what sort of tribute or gift would make Me smile. Right now, it’s not shoes, perfume, jewelry or latex that would make Me smile. The tribute that would mean the most to Me is if you can … Continue reading

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LA Again (For a Bit)

I’m officially based in LA again, at least until May. I re-partnered in My luxe LA playspace downtown. I’m taking a break from the building out of the new space in SF. I was a bit ambitious thinking it wouldn’t … Continue reading

Posted in Dominatrix, Life Experience, Los Angeles Dominatrix, San Francisco Dominatrix, sessions | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

Traits I Find Sexy in A submissive

One of my vanilla friends recently was asking me what on earth I found sexy about submissive men. Clearly, she “doesn’t get it”. I tried to describe the physical and mental rush I get when engaging with a truly wonderful … Continue reading

Posted in Dominatrix, Life Experience, San Francisco Dominatrix, sessions | Tagged , , , , , | 2 Comments

Exclusion, pt 2

I wrote an article on about Adult Performers being subtly excluded from what many consider the Adult Industry.. You can check it out here.

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